Brittany's Portfolio

Hi! My name is Brittany Holley, and my mission is to give undiscovered talent a platform to become recognized. Here you will be able to find some albums covers and spoken statements from young local artist from Brownsville a small section in Brooklyn including my artisyt Kash K . These videos will will feature a day to day in some of these artist lives, as well as the magic behind the sounds we love. Mostly everything I've created and create in the future has come from how I felt at some point in my life. Every painting reflects a mood, every journal entry gives me insight on my mind in that specific time frame, and every artist I come across and work with mirrors the creative sound I see fit. Each one of these allow me the ability to communicate my feelings and ideas even if that meant making decisions on talent. My work would say different things about me depending on which style of work is being examined. The work overall should relay that I am detail oriented, pro-active, able to make good judgement calls, persuasive and lastly equipped with the ability to for interpersonal relationships. All of these skills will be important for my future career as an A&R.
Everyday I am motivated to get up and keep going due to a number of factors, but the biggest reason is to create change. Music has always been a very big part of my life, and as time passes it is now playing an even bigger part in my life as my career will revolve around it. Since a young girl I always knew I wanted to either sing, songwrite or play instruments just generate any sound I can, but as life happened for me and I got older my career choice began to change into a more realistic answer like being a Doctor or something of that nature.The musical spark had never left me it had just been dimmed by the realities of real life.Entering my first year of H.S. my brother began to work with an artist around our neighborhood and my perspective began to change all over again. A life in the music industry seemed real again just like it had when I was a little girl. So I watched day in and day out, attended studio sessions, watched contracts beign drawn up and signed, sat for conference calls all to see if this was really the life I wanted to live and it was. Fast forward I am now picking up a secondary education to aid in my career, I have an artist named Kash K that I am working with. Assisting Kash with perfecting his sound and working on his versatility .

You can find my social media account HERE

Below you can see some of my work

This is a picture of my artist Kash K.

This is a photo of a potiental artist of mine JayMuLa.

Here is a photo of me .